Welfare & Safeguarding

If you think the situation is an emergency, contact your Club Welfare Officer or Basketball England’s Lead Child Protection Officer  by email or on 0300 600 1170.  If they are not immediately available then you should contact your local Children’s Social Care, LADO or Police without delay. Expert advice can also be provided by the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000.

XOBall Safeguarding Lead: Zoe Smyth 07515 808225

XOBall Safeguarding Officer: Waneita Allison 07943 434069

Childline – Childline for children and young people
0800 1111

Solihull Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 01217884300
out of hours 01216056060

XOBall Child Protection Policy